Hi JNJBurkett - I am glad you came back. We understand how what the Witnesses present to you can be very very attractive at first. They seem to have all the answers and they appear so friendly and loving (they give you an instant community to become a part of) and considerate and they give you so much encouragement and positive feedback and they appear genuine in wanting to answer your questions. And what they have to offer - a relationship with a loving father figure supreme being they claim is called Jehovah and an everlasting life on a Paradise earth also appears very attractive. You may also want to think about what it is about what the Witnesses offer that is so attractive to you. If for example it is the sense of belenging to a group then think about other soical groups that might work for you etc.
What everyone here is trying to warn you is that all is not as it appears. But you need to find this out for yourself. There is a lot of good advice and warnings on this thread from people who have learnt from bitter experience that this is a high control organisation who uses the threat of global genocide by a vengeful god to require absolute unquestioning obedience and punishes those show ask uncomfortable questions who do not accept the organisation's claims by total shunning, which is a form of bullying. As others have noted they use the BITE methodology to maintain control of the thinking of the Witnesses. So take your time, do your reasearch and asks questions that arise from your research of your study leader and see what response you get. Take care and remember we have your best interests at heart. Frazzled